Apr 17Liked by Steven W. Aunan

I'm thinking of taking up voodoo. They play with dolls too. Difference is, it's comforting knowing the effigy is providing some much needed amusement as the personal counterpart suffers numerous acts of pain and discomfort. Sounds like the perfect way to pass the time with an Obama doll!

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Ha! My first draft used “Obama voodoo doll” instead of “therapy doll.” In retrospect, maybe I should not have changed it.

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This religious hierarchy formed in the Clinton years, when access to information (sacraments) was denied to anybody who dared apostasy in their reportage. And it was easy, after all, to put aside notions of "journalistic ethics" when you could be part of a Winning Team for A Cause. Today we have government-ordained cardinals and bishops dictating canon to the elects (reporters) who dutifully promote the one true faith. They even carry idols in their purses!

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