What moral imperative demands that we 'bear with each other'?
Leftists want to destroy a 2,000-year-old moral code, but they still expect to live under its protections.
Leftists are a curious breed. They want to destroy a 2,000-year-old moral code, but they still expect to live under its protections.
Take this formula for instance: "you can have freedom of speech but not freedom from consequences." Leftists that I know personally have actually said this to me without understanding that they are echoing Proverbs 21:23: "Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity."
It is also true that women can wear whatever they want, but they can't predict how someone will react to the amount of visible flesh. And you can choose your gender but you can't choose your enemies.
Yet Leftists demand a personal exemption from these rules.
Colossians 3:13 says "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone." That concept is so ingrained in our society that we have simply come to unthinkingly expect it. It is the foundation of western pluralism, and even Leftists who slap Judeo Christian society across the face expect society to turn the other cheek.
When Christ was dying on the cross, he said to God: "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." Most of us spend most of our lives not knowing the bad things we're doing, and if the Judeo Christian foundation is destroyed what will replace it?
This article from the BBC gives us no details on which patients are verbally and physically abusing the male paramedic who says he's a woman, but it doesn't matter.
"I've had times where I'm treating people and I get spat at, just for who I am," he says. "As I come to the door usually I get 'what are you?'. It's really not okay. I'm a paramedic first and foremost and I'm here to help."
The implication is that people should tolerate his personal choice, but why is the abuse "really not okay"? What moral imperative demands that his patients "bear with" him?
Oh, right. That would be the moral foundation Leftists have largely destroyed.