Netflix Normalizes Illegal CIA Election Interference
Most of us rightly hate Congressional blowhards, but we don't hate the CIA Swamp Creatures enough.
If you’re thinking of watching “The Recruit” on Netflix, go ahead. Just understand that the show is merely the latest episode in a long-running propaganda operation designed to undermine your faith in democratic elections.
The opening sequences of “The Recruit” include a meeting at the Central Intelligence Agency, where the elderly experienced chief tells a youthful and frisky agent — who has been on the job for two days — to threaten a U.S. Senator.
Agent: I just finished CIA 101.
Chief: I’m sending you to the Senate. The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee is planning to read a classified document at a public hearing. I want you to tell him he’s an engorged ball sack who should walk into an airplane propeller … if you fail, you won’t be working here tomorrow.
[Obligatory B-Roll footage of Washington DC with suspenseful music]
Senator: If I want to read a document, I'll read a document!
Agent: Revealing classified information is a violation of 18 USC 798. Also, that type of shit just looks really bad in a campaign video against you. If there’s nothing else I can help you with, I gotta get back to Langley.
At that mic-drop moment, you’re supposed to mentally — or even physically — jump off your couch and chest-bump the brave young lad for speaking truth to the powerful blowhard Senator!
And you’re supposed to ignore that the lad’s job has been threatened unless he threatens an elected official with illegal political retaliation by the CIA. As Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) gleefully admitted in 2024, “the intelligence community has six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.”
The swamp creatures from the black lagoon — with centuries of passion pent up in their savage hearts! — want you to believe, with religious certainty, that some bad people (specifically, themselves) are above the law and other bad people should commit suicide by walking into airplane propellers.
It’s just not enough for the Department of Justice to prosecute people like Gold Bar Bob (D-NJ) and send him to prison for 11 years! No, to protect you and your loved ones from the people you voted for, the CIA must illegally plot covert domestic political operations and persuade you to vote for candidates approved by the impenetrable Black Lagoon.
All the streaming services (Amazon, Hulu, Netflix, etc.) are producing shows like this. They are designed to slowly — but eventually — make you believe that a community of shadowy, unelected, intelligence professionals can defend “our democracy” better than you can with your tedious democratic elections. (As Chuck “Six Ways from Sunday” Schumer warned us just yesterday, America cannot be allowed to devolve into an authoritarian state run by shadowy unelected bureaucrats!)
Oh, and by the way, the CIA is legally restricted from engaging in domestic intelligence operations or influencing domestic politics within the United States. For some background, you really should watch Democracy Now! (of course) discuss the Church Committee, “the most important Congressional investigation in modern American history.”
But back to that catchy mic-drop scene in “The Recruit.” It bled into real life in 2020 when the Deputy Director of the CIA recruited 50 of his colleagues to help Joe Biden get elected as the 46th President of the United States.
On October 19, 2020, CIA Director John Brennan thanked Deputy Director Mike Morell for asking him to sign a letter that would “give the [Biden] campaign, particularly during the debate on Thursday, a talking point to push back” on the Hunter Biden laptop story. Two days later, Joe Biden used that talking point in the debate against Donald Trump.
So go ahead and watch “The Recruit” if you want. Rightfully despise the blowhard Senator who would dare to illegally reveal classified information! And do your patriotic duty to glorify the 51 brave souls who sent Donald Trump into that spinning airplane propeller! Because “our democracy” is at risk and every vote counts!
1. John Brennan - Director CIA
2. Jim Clapper - Director of National Intelligence
3. Mike Hayden - Director CIA
4. Leon Panetta - Director CIA
5. Thomas Finger - Deputy Director National Intelligence Agency
6. Rick Ledgett - Deputy Director NSA
7. John McLaughlin - Deputy Director CIA
8. Michael Morell -Deputy Director CIA
9. Mike Vickers - Operations Officer CIA
10. Doug Wise - Senior CIA Operations Officer
11. Nick Rasmussen - National Counterterrorism Center
12. Russ Travers - Deputy Director, National Counterterrorism Center
13. Andy Liepman - Intelligence Officer CIA
14. John Moseman - Chief of Staff CIA
15. Larry Pfeiffer - Chief of Staff CIA
16. Jeremy Bash - Chief of Staff CIA
17. Rodney Snyder - Chief of Staff CIA
18. Glenn Gerstell - General Counsel NSA
19. David B. Buckley - Inspector General CIA
20. Nada Bakos - Analyst and Targeting Officer CIA
21. Patty Brandmaier - Senior Intelligence Officer CIA
22. James B. Bruce - Senior Intelligence Officer CIA
23. David Cariens - Intelligence Analyst CIA
24. Janice Cariens - Operational Support Officer CIA
25. Paul Kolbe - Senior Operations Officer CIA
26. Peter Corsell - Analyst CIA
27. Brett Davis - Senior Intelligence Officer
28. Roger Zane George - National Intelligence Officer
29. Steven L. Hall - Senior Intelligence Officer CIA
30. Kent Harrington - National Intelligence Officer CIA
31. Don Hepburn - Senior National Security Executive
32. Timothy D. Kilbourn - PDB Briefer to President George W. Bush CIA
33. Ron Marks - Officer CIA
34. Jonna Hiestand Mendez - Technical Operations Officer CIA
35. Emile Nakhleh - Senior Intelligence Analyst CIA
36. Gerald A. O’Shea - Senior Operations Officer CIA
37. David Priess - Analyst/Manager CIA
38. Pam Purcilly - PDB Briefer to President George W. Bush CIA
39. Marc Polymeropoulos - Senior Operations Officer CIA
40. Chris Savos - Senior Intelligence Officer CIA
41. Nick Shapiro - Senior Advisor/Deputy Chief of Staff CIA
42. John Sipher - Senior Operations Officer CIA
43. Stephen Slick - Senior Operations Officer CIA
44. Cynthia Strand - Deputy Assistant Director for Global Issues CIA
45. Greg Tarbell - Deputy Executive Director CIA
46. David Terry - PDB Briefer to Vice President Dick Cheney CIA
47. Greg Treverton - Chair National Intelligence Council
48. John Tullius - Senior Intelligence Officer CIA
49. David A. Vanell - Senior Operations Officer CIA
50. Winston Wiley - Director of Analysis CIA
51. Kristin Wood - Senior Intelligence Officer CIA
P.S. The 47th President of the United States has revoked the security clearances of everyone on this list. USA Today hides the fact that the public letter was really a covert intelligence operation designed to help Joe Biden get elected.
What you say is true: you cannot hate them enough.
Looking back, I'm starting to wonder if it really was a God-send that DJT lost the 2020 election? In retrospect, so much has been exposed the past four years that it isn't difficult to understand that someone needs to take a hatchet to every facet of the Washington bureaucratic machine.